25. April 2022

2022 International Day of Immunology Day of Immunology

Day of Immunology - Immune Intelligence - How clever is my immune system?

On April 29th, Immunology Day is celebrated annually worldwide. This aims to raise global awareness of the importance of immunology and immunological research in the fight against infections, autoimmunity, and cancer. The Day of Immunology was created by the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and took place for the first time on April 29, 2005. It has been celebrated worldwide since 2007. The day aims to increase public awareness of immunology and immunological research as the basis for individual health and well-being.

Also, this year, the TRR259 is taking part in the Day of Immunology organized by the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 in Bonn. This year's theme is: „Immune Intelligence - How clever is my immune system?
Celebrate this year's Day of Immunology with us, and find out what your immune system is capable of!
When? April 30th, 10 a.m. - 06 p.m.
Where? Marketplace Bonn & City Library Bonn
free entry
no registration required
Did you know, that immune cells can be trained to fight cancer? That cells can differentiate between their own and viral nucleic acids? That milk may trick the immune system into attacking nerve cells? Or that your diet may lead to constant inflammation in your body? Learn more about how your immune system works at the Day of Immunology.
Scientists from the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2, the TRR259, and TRR237 will be on-site, to tell you about their current research and answer your questions.

You can follow interesting lectures (in German) at the Haus der Bildung, Mülheimer Platz 1, 53111 Bonn:
10:30 am Digitale Therapie von Herzerkrankungen - Der Beginn einer neuen Ära?
Dr. med. Philip Düsing - Heart Center Bonn – TRR259
11:00 am Milch: Macht sie kräftig oder krank?
Alicia Weier & Dr. Rittika Chunder - Institute of Anatomy
11:30 am Wie man die Bausteine des Immunsystems sichtbar macht - Atom für Atom.
PD. Dr. Gregor Hagelüken - Institute of Structural Biology
12:00 pm Warum macht Fast Food unser Immunsystem krank?
Dr. Anette Christ - Institute of Innate Immunity
12:30 pm Wolf im Schafspelz: Wie kann unser Immunsystem Krebs bekämpfen?
Prof. Dr. Tobias Bald - Institute of Experimental Oncology
Pre-registration is not required.
You may also attend the talks online:
Join us for the day of immunology! We are looking forward to meeting you!



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